Manav Seva Vikas Society

RSS Manav Seva Vikas Society
Established in 1997 with the vision of:
Service> Employment> Development

Our role has gradually emerged from the existing grass roots reality, gaps in ongoing effort towards development and our faith in potential of the people. We believe that people have the potential to face and address the challenges in various forms posed by the society. This belief has determined the vision of “People Centered Development” Society looks forward to see that this potential finds its expression in individual and collective forms for self-reliant development processes.

Our Mission:
1- To Make Human Temple
2- Blessing management
3- Gau palan(To Serve Our Mother-COW)
4- Safe Environment
5- Astrology and Vastu
6- Hand-Craft
7- To Remove Social Illness
8- To Enhance Women Power
9- Insurance Security for the Poor
10- Training Centre establishment for employment
11- Consumer's Protection
12- Dowry less marriage

Address: Manav Seva Vikas Society
Shopping Complex, South City
Shahjahanpur, U.P.
India, Pin-242001
Contact no.: +91 8858818643, 9415119102

4.0/5 for 1 rate

Company information: Manav Seva Vikas Society

Manav Seva Vikas Society Shopping Complex, South City
+91 8858818643, 9415119102

Comments: Manav Seva Vikas Society

Ansh wrote on, 18-10-2013 | Rate: 4/5

A good initiative...hats off !!

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